Look, I have no idea what there is to say about ska. We often do “idk what to say” posts ranging from ironic to earnest to whatever liminal spaces in between serve our needs, but a ska is a ska is a ska is a ska. Sammie and I have talked a lot before about how weird it is to realize as adults that not everyone went to a high school that, for some reason, was really into ska. I genuinely have no idea if explaining my goal to make a good ska playlist, a bangers only ska playlist, a not just popular ska playlist, by writing that “everyone already knows about ‘Beer’ so you could just listen to ‘Beer’ if you want to listen to ‘Beer'” would come across as a shitpost, as inscrutable, or as the most controversial thing I’ve yet to write on trash garbage. I even came across an article published a few days ago that says more about the weird self-defense gut reaction combination of condescension towards and gatekeeping within ska than I could articulate.
So here’s a two and a half-hour ska playlist for your hot vax summer. Music that is, in the words of Brian David Gilbert:

Maybe it’s even more alienating that last year’s summer playlist. What a blessing.